orsopy.slddb.material module
Class to hold information for one material and allow calculation of x-ray and neutron SLDs for different applications.
- class orsopy.slddb.material.PolymerSequence[source]
Used to represent a chain of amino acids. Currently, no checking is done and this is just a string containing the appropriate letters.
- class orsopy.slddb.material.Material(elements, dens=None, fu_volume=None, rho_n=None, mu=0.0, xsld=None, xE=None, fu_dens=None, M=None, ID=None, name=None, extra_data=None)[source]
Units used: b: fm fu_volume: ų fu_dens: 1/ų dens: g/cm³ roh_n: Å^{-2} roh_m: Å^{-2} mu: muB/FU M: kA/m = emu/cm³
- property fu_volume
- property rho_n
- property rho_m
- property M
- property dens
- property fu_mass
- property fu_b
- property has_ndata
- property formula
- property deuterated
- deuterate(fraction)[source]
Return a partially deuterated molecule with fraction of D instead of H.
- property edeuterated
- property exchanged
- property not_exchanged
- exchange(D_fraction, D2O_fraction, exchange=0.9)[source]
Return a partially deuterated modlecule within H2O/D2O solution given amount of exchange.
- property match_point