The education and outreach working group aims to develop understanding of reflectivity techniques and disseminate information about reflectivity analysis.
The full scope of the working group is:
- Outreach & Dissemination: The E&O working group should write news items and publicise the organisation at user meetings and conferences. This should include information on any standards that are established by the other working groups.
- Website management: The website is editable by any member of ORSO. The E&O working group is responsible for the content that is outward facing and educational.
- Organization of annual meetings: Each working group will have regular virtual meetings covering their specific issues with an annual in-person meeting once a year. The E&O working group will take primary responsibility for organising the annual meeting, and ideally this will be associated as a satellite to a bigger international conference.
To get involved in the E&O working group you should sign up to GitHub and take a look at the GitHub repository. You can become a member by emailing the working group chair.
Open to all to read, however, an account is required to comment on actions.
Previous discussions/workshops
At the 2020 workshop the Education & Outreach sessions tried to define the scope of the working group and discussed some detail on the design and content of the website and how to secure the long-term future of the ORSO collaboration. The discussions were wide ranging and agreement was not always reached. However, we were able to establish a list of actions that will hopefully put the organisation on a firm footing and mean that the website becomes a useful resource for those that are interested in reflectometry at all levels.
At the 2021 workshop the Education & Outreach sessions focussed on two specific projects.
- SLD database project. The aim of this project is to create a reference tool for commonly used scattering length or electron densities to be made available on the website. An beta version has now been created and this was demonstrated at the meeting. Feedback was given at the time and further comments are welcome via the github issue
- A discussion of the content of the tutorial paper in preparation. The aim of this tutorial text is to introduce the model-dependent analysis of specular, non-polarised, neutron and X-ray reflectometry data to those that haven’t seen it before. The text should be comprehensive but basic and should cover both neutron and X-ray reflectometry.