We are collecting a list of reflectometry relevant papers here. Please let us know if something is missing or incorrect (or edit the page yourself)
Neutron references are covered well by Adrian Rennie’s bibliography pages. Below are mostly X-ray relevant papers, but there are some neutron references too.
Books on reflectometry
- Born M, Wolf E Principles of Optics: Electromagnetic Theory of Propagation, Interference and Diffraction of Light. (Pergoman Press 1959).
- B. E. Warren, X-ray Diffraction. (Courier Corporation 1990).
- Melendres, Carlos A.; Tadjeddine, A. (Hg.) (1994): Synchrotron Techniques in Interfacial Electrochemistry. Dordrecht: Springer (NATO ASI Series, Series C, 432).
- M. Tolan, M. Tolan, X-ray scattering from soft-matter thin films: materials science and basic research. (Springer 1999).
- J. Daillant, A. Gibaud X-ray, Neutron Reflectivity: Principles and Applications, (Springer 2008).
- J. Als-Nielsen, D. McMorrow, Elements of modern X-ray physics. (John Wiley & Sons 2011).
- P. S. Pershan, M. L. Schlossman, Liquid surfaces and interfaces. (Cambride University Press 2012).
- Chapter 9. “Reflectivity at Liquid Interfaces” in O. H. Seeck, B. M. Murphy, X-ray Diffraction: Modern Experimental Techniques, vol. 1, pp. 444.(Pan Stanford 2015)
- Bu W., Schlossman M. (2015) Synchrotron X-Ray Scattering from Liquid Surfaces and Interfaces. In: Jaeschke E., Khan S., Schneider J., Hastings J. (eds) Synchrotron Light Sources and Free-Electron Lasers. Springer, Cham.
Review Articles
Papers on Beamlines
Papers on Reflectometry Sample Environments
Papers about Analysis
Journal References for X-ray reflectometry
- Parratt LG (1954) Surface studies of solids by total reflection of X-rays, Phys Rev, 95, 359–369.
- Nevot L, Croce P (1980) Characterization of surfaces by grazing X-ray reflection - application to study of polishing of some silicate-glasses, Rev Phys Appl, 15, 761–779.
- Vineyard GH (1982) Grazing-incidence diffraction and the distorted wave approximation for the study of surfaces, Phys Rev B, 26, 4146–4159.
- Als-Nielsen J, Christensen F, Pershan PS (1982) Smectic-A order at the surface of a nematic liquid-crystal - synchrotron X-ray-diffraction, Phys Rev Lett, 48, 1107–1110.
- Pershan PS, Als-Nielsen J (1984) X-ray reflectivity from the surface of a liquid-crystal - surface-structure and absolute value of critical fluctuations, Phys Rev Lett, 52, 759–762.
- Als-Nielsen J (1984) X-ray studies of phase-transitions on surfaces, Physica B&C, 126, 145–148.
- Braslau A, Deutsch M, Pershan PS, Weiss AH, Als-Nielsen J, Bohr J (1985) Surface-roughness of water measured by X-ray reflectivity, Phys Rev Lett, 54, 114–117.
- Pershan PS, Braslau A, Weiss AH, Als-Nielsen J (1987) Smectic layering at the free-surface of liquid-crystals in the nematic phase - X-ray reflectivity, Phys Rev A, 35, 4800–4813.
- Braslau A, Pershan PS, Swislow G, Ocko BM, Als-Nielsen J (1988) Capillary waves on the surface of simple liquids measured by X-ray reflectivity, Phys Rev A, 38, 2457–2470.
- Sinha SK, Sirota EB, Garoff S, Stanley HB (1988) X-ray and neutron scattering from rough surfaces, Phys Rev B, 38, 2297–2311.
- Sanyal MK, Sinha SK, Huang KG, Ocko BM (1991) X-ray scattering study of capillary-wave fluctuations at a liquid surface, Phys Rev Lett, 66, 628–631.
- Tidswell IM, Rabedeau TA, Pershan PS, Kosowsky SD (1991) Complete wetting of a rough surface: an X-ray study, Phys Rev Lett, 66, 2108–2111.
- Fredrickson GH, Ajdari A, Leibner L, Carton J-P (1992) Surface modes and deformation energy of a molten polymer brush, Macromolecules, 25, 2882–2889.
- Sinha SK (1994) X-ray diffuse-scattering as a probe for thin-film and interface structure, J Phys III, 4, 1543–1557.
- Als-Nielsen J, Jacquemain JD, Kjaer K, Leveiller F, Lahav M, Leiserowitz L (1994) Principles and applications of grazing-incidence X-ray and neutron-scattering from ordered molecular monolayers at the air-water interface, Phys Rep, 246, 252–313.
- Ocko BM, Wu XZ, Sirota EB, Sinha SK, Deutsch M (1994) X-ray reflectivity study of thermal capillary waves on liquid surfaces, Phys, Rev Lett, 72, 242–245.
- Sinha SK, Sanyal MK, Satija SK, et al. (1994) X-ray-scattering studies of surface-roughness of GaAs/ALAs multilayers, Physica B, 198, 72–77.
- Zhou XL, Chen SH (1995) Theoretical foundation of X-ray and neutron reflectometry, Phys Rep, 257, 223–348.
- Dietrich S, Haase A (1995) Scattering of X-rays and neutrons at interfaces, Phys Rep, 260, 1–138.
- Jäckle J, Kawasaki K (1995) Intrinsic roughness of glass surfaces, J Phys: Condens Matter, 7, 4351–4358.
- Daillant J, Quinn K, Gourier C, Rieutord F (1996) Grazing incidence surface scattering of X-rays, J Chem Soc Faraday T, 92, 505–513.
- Chou CH, Regan MJ, Pershan PS, Zhou XL (1997) Model-independent reconstruction of smooth electron density profiles from reflectivity data of liquid surfaces, Phys Rev E, 55, 7212–7216.
- Chason E, Mayer TM (1997) Thin film and surface characterization by specular X-ray reflectivity, Crit Rev Solid State, 22, 1–67.
- Sanyal MK (1998) X-ray scattering studies of surfaces and interfaces, Radiat Phys Chem, 51, 487–495.
- Jäckle J (1998) The spectrum of surface waves on viscoelastic liquids of arbitrary depth, J Phys: Condens Matter, 10, 7121–7131.
- Tolan M, Press W (1998) X-ray and neutron reflectivity, Z Kristallogr, 213, 319–336.
- Tostmann H, DiMasi E, Pershan PS, Ocko BM, Shpyrko OG, Deutsch M (2000) Microscopic surface structure of liquid alkali metals, Phys Rev B, 61, 7284–7287.
- Schlossman, ML. (2002) Liquid–liquid interfaces: studied by X-ray and neutron scattering Curr. Opin. Colloid Interface Sci., 7, 235–243
- Carbone D, Biermanns A, Ziberi B, et al. (2009) Ion-induced nanopatterns on semiconductor surfaces investigated by grazing incidence X-ray scattering techniques, J Phys Condens Matter, 21, 224007
- Daillant J (2009) Recent developments and applications of grazing incidence scattering, Curr Opin Colloid In, 14, 396–401
- A. R. J. Nelson, S. W. Prescott (2019) Refnx: Neutron and X-ray reflectometry analysis in python. Journal of Applied Crystallography, J. Appl. Cryst, 52, 193-200
- Sentenac D., Shalaginov A. N., Fera A. and de Jeu W. H. (2000) On the instrumental resolution in X-ray reflectivity experiments, J. Appl. Cryst, 33, 130-136
References specific to Liquid Interfaces (including X-ray synchrotron reflectometers that can measure reflectomety from liquid interfaces)
- Pershan PS, Als-Nielsen J (1984) X-ray reflectivity from the surface of a liquid-crystal - surface-structure and absolute value of critical fluctuations, Phys Rev Lett, 52, 759–762.
- Als-Nielsen J (1984) X-ray studies of phase-transitions on surfaces, Physica B&C, 126, 145–148.
- Weiss AH, Deutsch M, Braslau A, Ocko BM, Pershan PS (1986) Novel X-ray diffractometer for liquid surface studies, Rev Sci Instrum, 57, 2554–2559.
- Pershan PS, Braslau A, Weiss AH, Als-Nielsen J (1987) Smectic layering at the free-surface of liquid-crystals in the nematic phase - X-ray reflectivity, Phys Rev A, 35, 4800–4813.
- M. L. Schlossman, D. Synal, Y. M. Guan, M. Meron, G. Shea-McCarthy, Z. Q. Huang, A. Acero, S. M. Williams, S. A. Rice and P. J. Viccaro (1997) A synchrotron X-ray liquid surface spectrometer, Rev Sci Instrum, 68, 4372–4384.
- Lin BH, Meron M, Gebhardt J, Graber T, Schlossman ML, Viccaro PJ (2003) The liquid surface/interface spectrometer at ChemMatCARS synchrotron facility at the advanced photon source, Physca B: Condens Matter, 336, 75–80.
- H. Reichert, V. Honkimaki, A. Snigirev, S. Engemann and H. Dosch (2003) A new X-ray transmission-reflection scheme for the study of deeply buried interfaces using high-energy microbeams, Physica B, 336, 46.
- D. M. Smilgies, N. Boudet, B. Struth and O. Konovalov (2005) Troika II: a versatile beamline for the study of liquid and solid interfaces, J. Synchrotron Radiat., 12, 329.
- Honkimaki V, Reichert H, Okasinski JS, Dosch H (2006) X-ray optics for liquid surface/interface spectrometers, J Synchr Rad, 13, 426–431.
- Y. F. Yano, T. Uruga, H. Tanida, H. Toyokawa, Y. Terada, M. Takagaki and H. Yamada, (2009) Rapid X-ray reflectivity measurement using a new liquid interface reflectometer at SPring-8, Eur. Phys. J.: Spec. Top., 167, 101.
- B. M. Murphy, M. Greve, B. Runge, C. T. Koops, A. Elsen, J. Stettner, O. H. Seeck and O. M. Magnussen (2010) A new diffractometer for studies of liquid - liquid interfaces, AIP Conf Proc, 1234, 155–158.
- Arnold T, Nicklin C, Rawle J, Sutter J, Bates T, Nutter B, McIntyre G, Burt M (2012) Implementation of a beam deflection system for studies of liquid interfaces on beamline I07 at Diamond, J. Synchrotron Rad., 19, 408–416.
- P. S. Pershan and M. L. Schlossman (2012) in Liquid surfaces and interfaces, Cambride University Press, Cambridge.
- B. M. Murphy, M. Greve, B. Runge, C. T. Koops, A. Elsen, J. Stettner, O. H. Seeck and O. M. Magnussen (2014) A novel X-ray diffractometer for studies of liquid-liquid interfaces, J Synchrotron Rad, 21, 45–56.