ORSO at ICNS 2025

The Open Reflectometry Standards Organisation (ORSO) is an international, open effort to improve the scientific techniques of neutron and X-ray reflectometry. Over the past 5 years we have been collaborating together in a number of areas to define standards in the push towards FAIR data and reproducible workflows, to produce educational material for both new and experienenced users of these techniques and to create various resources to assit them.

Come and learn more about ORSO and how we can help you at ICNS in Copenhagen on July 9th 15:30 - 18:00 ORSO will be hosting a mini-symposium at ICNS: This event will be a drop-in session where we aim to provide 1-to-1 help for others within the reflectivity community:

  • Are you a PhD student looking for learning resources?
  • Are you a postdoc wanting to create complex fitting models?
  • Or even are you an instrument scientist interested in implementing the ORSO file writer on your beamline?
  • Are you keen to contribute to ORSO, but don’t know where to start?

Come by, say hi, and see if we can help! Contact Tom Arnold or Jos Cooper for more information