Attendees: Tom Arnold, Artur Glavic, Phillipp Gutfreund, Brian B Maranville, …
- How to meet in the future? What is the part of this working group for it?
- Maybe money for a in-person meeting from PSI
- Attach to SXNS or other in the future?
- Widest reach across x-ray and neutron communities
- A little x-ray focused, but maybe self enhancing
- LINXS or other shared society workshop? Could be to unfocussed and small.
- Meetings help to spark progress in all aspects
- Should the Education and outreach still be responsible for organizing meetings?
- No, should be shared amongst workgroups.
- Would maybe require clearer association to working groups on website.
- We could initiate that process.
- Organization of online meetings
- Hard to schedule with different time zones
- Are there ideas how to better do it?
- Meeting frequency and time
- Linking to conference is a good idea, SXNS seems the best choice
- Have part of meetings online?
- More then once a year in person maybe not feasible.
- Having focused meetings separately by VC should help. Maybe every 3 Months
- Education and outreach, the scope of this workgroup
- Out facing content
- Is definitely part of the scope of the workgroup to manage the website
- How to maintain a website? Easiest as kind of Wiki so everyone can contribute.
- Resources for people like references and things to put on other websites
- Being a central point to start research on the subject
- Add list of references and textbooks
- Promote programs which follow our guidance, but encourage others to join.
- Out facing content
- What is our outreach scope?
- Just reach reflectometrists with results from other ORSO groups?
- Try to expand user base? Maybe not.
- Link to e.g. PANOSC but don’t put much effort.
- Get others to link us for related content, e.g. software of analysis.
Publicize the importance of reproducibility etc.
- Funding applications?
- We need some kind of funding, e.g. for website and in-person meetings.
- Nice to not tie it to a facility.
- Travel seems not great to spend money on but should be payed by institutes of attendees. But can be problematic for e.g. ANSTO employees.
- Stand alone meetings would probably be too expensive.
- How do we make decisions in the group
- Too much agreement will slow context addition to the website. Maybe everybody should just add content. What happens on disagreement?
- Keep it open
- Separate ORSO approved content (standards etc.) and information content.
- ORSO, logo
- Should be recognizable, bear pretty good idea
- Maybe make a survey
- Deadline for submitting design, June 30
- Great if other ideas are proposed.