Attendees: Tom Arnold, Adrian Rennie, Thomas Saerbeck, Stephen Holt, Anton Le Brun, Huan Hua Wang
Funding: Minimal if at all required. No action.
Future of the organisation and recognition: Most important seemed to be to generate output and have regular meetings. This can be in form of the webpage which summarizes and gathers information and/or in form of PR, for example an article to Neutron News / Sync.Rad.News. … - Needs to be open access.
Different institutions may have different limitations on how people can spend time on the organisation or allow them to travel. However, a formal memorandum doesn’t seem to be required. In some cases, showing the web page might create the needed justification (if it contains the relevant content clearly).
Users are more difficult to engage and to convince to spend time on something that they think may not be in their scope. But, if output can be created from their input, they might be interested and more prepared.
No need to apply for formal status as organisation, which could also be quite complicated. No money hosted by ORSO and meetings attached to larger conferences, supported by those or by the host institution (CanSAS model). Have more frequent online meetings and less frequent, but regular in-person meetings to generate exchange between groups. Being together is more efficient than online meetings, which don’t easily allow breakout sessions or coffee breaks together.
+++ to do +++
Action: No memorandum.
Action: Address overlap with CanSAS in grazing incidence scattering. Probably contact the relevant group.
Action: Publicise on webpage (meeting summary, aims on front page, news/announcements)
Action: Legitimization and recognition by generating useful output (Webpage, links, teaching information, resources, announcements,database, articles…). If its useful, people will start using it.
Action: Have regular meetings to help keep ORSO alive during times where output is slow.
Action: Article/Report should include meeting summary, online experience, agreements, steps forward, milestones.
Idea: Instead of an SLD calculator, create an SLD database which must contain information on how it was obtained and if possible a reference. Tricky, but could be useful, both for x-ray and neutron, i.e. include energies etc.. This could, in time, allow users to have a better feeling and awareness of what the SLDs are and what to be careful about. Content and structure would need to be decided. More complex systems may need further information to raise awareness and highlight subtleties. The database could be an informative guideline (or starting value) and allow cross checking, not a strict analysis tool.